The Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit humanitarian charity established with permit number (92) issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. It works to alleviate the suffering of the community and provide humanitarian and developmental medical services. It also focuses on outstanding graduates and works to provide job opportunities for them, as well as to enhance the readiness of youth and empower them to take an active role. In the current challenges facing the country, such as wars, destruction of infrastructure, and economic deterioration, the Foundation strives to raise and rehabilitate the capacity of individuals in the community, especially youth and women, to develop their skills and encourage them to innovate and participate effectively in decision-making and crisis management, in order to build a safe and peaceful society that thrives on sustainable development and achieves global peace.
We emphasize that the success factors of any organization are its sustainability in providing humanitarian services, which can only be achieved by the presence of active youth who are the first nucleus of success. Therefore, we seek to achieve this goal by utilizing the energies and capabilities of youth and sharpening their skills. Their qualification and training are the first step towards achieving community development.
Integrity and transparency
Innovation and creativity
Continuous development
Given the prevalence of acute and chronic diseases, low individual income levels, and the disruption of income sources for many due to wars and other reasons, all of this has prompted us to implement this project, which focuses on assisting patients, alleviating their pain, and addressing their poverty.
Development and Social Solidarity
Local communities in Aden Governorate and several liberated provinces are in need of assistance in the field of livelihoods to enhance their self-reliance in meeting basic needs and reducing reliance on humanitarian aid. Additionally, cash assistance is provided.
In light of the economic crises, political and economic instability, high poverty rates, and the depreciation of the local currency compared to other currencies, which has led to an increase in food prices, food projects have been implemented to alleviate the situation. These projects varied between food supplies and ready-to-eat meals.